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XPages Forum - Help Wanted: Display the last 5 - 10 searches in the forum (via a cookie)

Display the last X number of searches that a user has performed in the forum (via a cookie). When user clicks in the search field, a list of the last 5 - 10 search terms is displayed for them to choose from. This would be per user/web browser. 

In this field you can enter a short description for the help you want on your project.

Please keep this short and clear.

You can add more details in the 'long description' field.
In this field you specify the technology area of your wanted help.

Select 'other' if you are not sure.

In this field you specify the area in your project of your wanted help.

Select 'other' if you are not sure.

In this field you can describe what they have to do and what the requirements are.

You can use the rich text editor for rich text formating. You can also enter HTML to embed objects, e.g. to embed a YouTube video or a screenshot of the project. In this case use '[' and ']' to mark the passthrough HTML as such.